
Magnolia Bridge Club pulls out an Ace!

Magnolia Bridge Club pulls out an Ace!

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Devon in Sight Operations Manager Grahame Flynn was delighted to attend the Magnolia Bridge Club in Exmouth on Thursday evening to receive a donation of £250.

Club Chairman Margaret Mahon welcomed Grahame to their meeting.  Grahame spoke about the work of the charity and in particular the charity’s ‘Skills for Seeing’ courses. These helps those people with central vision loss make the most of their remaining peripheral vision. The skills help people with daily activities like reading, watching television, hobbies, personal care and getting about. People often say that they feel more confident and have more control of their lives after the training.

Grahame said, “I was sorry to hear that a member of the club had recently given up playing bridge due to their deteriorating sight loss. I hope that there is something we can do to help. Most sight loss is avoidable particularly if it is detected quickly. The best way to do this is to have an eye test every two years”.